Friday, February 14, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday: Randoms of the College Days.

I thought I would just do pictures this Friday. I don't have much to say, but I find myself nostalgic for some of the best times of my life, so why not share some photos!

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Fall 2008: Paul and my soccer star niece after one of her games.

5 years ago (Spring 2009). So much has happened since.

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Summer 2009: How the family has grown!! 7 grandchildren here... now there are 12!
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  Soccer (miss it like crazy)! Fall 2009 

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 Half of college I lived with my sister and her family. I got to see these beauties every day!
This was taken Fall 2010.

Couldn't have ask for a better living situation than with these girls.

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Spring 2010
 Great friends kept me from going crazy! (Fall 2010)

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 Graduation weekend with the family! Spring 2011

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This is the start of life after college!
(My wonderful parents) Summer 2011

 Summer day hang outs.

(My beautiful sister with her 6th baby!) Summer 2011

Out to a fancy dinner!
Summer 2011
Man, I love this man! :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Big... BIG things might happen in the next two weeks. Would it be okay to ask for some prayers for this little family in middle America?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cherishing the Moments.

It's so easy to look at your life as if you have all of the time in the world. Recently, there have been a few illnesses and deaths linked to our family and we find ourselves in a constant state of prayer-fulness and mourning. Not that praying a lot is a bad thing, (it's a wonderful way to spend time together) but it definitely puts things into perspective.

This week, everything is a gift. Not that I have anything to complain about, life is pretty simple and quite lovely, but this week it's even more amazing! And I hope to continue this attitude of gratitude. Always.