Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Time!

“And he departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find Him. For He departed, and behold, He is here.” -- St. Augustine

Hallelujah! He is Risen!! 

And He is here with us everywhere, every day. 

(With her Uncle and Godfather Dominic)

This past weekend was one I will remember for a long time. Everything just seemed to be perfect, the weather included. Paul, Agnes, and I left Friday morning to visit Paul's family for Easter. It was a wonderful few days of being outside in the sun and enjoying each other's company as we prepared our hearts and minds for Him to rise again. 

The Family

I never really had my phone or other electronics (besides my camera) with me and I can't tell you enough how liberated and fresh I felt those few days of being "unplugged." And now  I know I can survive without looking up the weather right when I get up in the morning, or checking my email, or facebook, or linkedin, or... you get the picture. So I will unplug more often and feel awesome about it :D

(Playing piano with Uncle Domi)

Easter was absolutely lovely. Agnes went on a good number of walks with different family members and got some rosy cheeks from the nice, warm sun. She loved to swing on the swings at the park and at Grandma and Pop's (what we call Grandpa) house. She even took an afternoon nap on the swing in their backyard. 

(With her Auntie Maria)

We went to two parks in Saint Louis. At one of them, there is an indoor Carousel that Agnes rode for the first time. She loved it! 

The Easter Bunny came with baskets full of sweet treats (bubbles and a book for Agnes). We skyped with her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa (from both sides of Paul's family) and they were able to see how big she's gotten from 
the last time they saw her (which was Christmas).  

After a big dinner and yummy treats, we said goodbye to the family and drove back home where Agnes slept the entire time. She had a busy trip! 

And what a beautiful and Happy Easter it was!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cute and Clingy

Just what I like in an 11 month old :D I love how this little girl's personality is coming out each day. This past week has brought us a new routine. After our afternoon nap (and when I say "our", I mean "her"), Agnes has insisted on having me hold her up until dinner is cooked and ready to be served.

This has brought on some challenges when preparing our evening meals, but nothing we can't handle.

Switching Agnes' position now allows me to cook and keep her with me until she is ready to go play by herself while mommy gets her food ready.

I will miss these days, though. It amazes me how much she's grown and how she continues to light up my life.