Sunday, June 14, 2015

Answer Me This: June Edition

I have not done an Answer Me This in a while... so here it goes!

1. Any big plans for the summer?

Well we are having a baby boy soon!! Since I went in to preterm labor last week (they got the contractions to stop after a couple nights in the hospital), we are trying to hold out as long as we can before this little booger arrives. He is due July 22. I'll be 35 weeks along this Wednesday so here is to hoping I can keep him in long enough for no NICU visit. 

 Other than this baby, nothing big planned here (just bed rest for the next week and visits to the pool with Agnes and my mother who came to help me for a week.

UNTIL this fall when we go to Colorado for baby boy's Baptism :)

2. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

I don't think I had any strange beliefs as a child. I believed in fairies, Santa Claus, Peter Pan, enchanted worlds, the usual... right? I never once believed that if I crossed my eyes for long enough they'd stay that way, or if I stepped on a crack I'd fall and break my back.

3. What is your favorite amusement park ride? (can be a specific one at a specific park or just a type of ride)

Tube slides... the fat ones that don't have drop offs or high grades. I'm not a fan of that stomach feeling you get on roller coasters. This is probably why I usually stay at the water park whenever I do visit an amusement park :P

4. What's on your summer reading list?

I usually take it one book at a time. At the moment I am reading anything and everything child birthing and pregnancy related (just to refresh). BUT I am on the hold list for Dana Perino's "And The Good News Is..."

My mother is a huge fan of the show, "The Five" on Fox News and her favorite anchor is Dana Perino. I sometimes turn it on when I think about it; it's informative and entertaining. My mom also recommends pretty good books so I just have to read this one!

5. Have you ever fallen asleep in public?

Not that I can recall. When I was little, sure, but as an adult I guess I'm just too observant (and probably afraid) of my surroundings and even being sleep deprived I can stay awake pretty well in public. 

6. What is your favorite smell?  

I love the smell of jasmine... lilacs... coconut lime lotion... cheeseburgers... bacon... How can anyone think of just ONE favorite smell?!! 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

My Morning: Vol. 2

Mostly pregnancy related things. I haven't started a novel in a while...

My parks and rec soccer t-shirt from when I was 11 years old and a pair of maternity shorts (pj's). It's almost time to get dressed for church!

Just finished a nice glass of milk as well as my daily oatmeal and chia seeds breakfast.

Agnes' white noise through her bedroom door.

Is in a slumber. I have not checked on her this morning but yesterday I found her sleeping on the floor cuddled up with her stuffed Olaf (PRECIOUS!!). I moved her to the bottom bed of the trundle so that after she plays at night, she can just crawl into her bed and sleep... unless she rolls off (which, if she does, won't be too uncomfortable).

If I'll have enough energy to get some cleaning done today before Paul arrives home after a short trip to Dallas for a National Alumni Board meeting. Getting up early has its ups and downs.
For my family; jobs, relationships, and some happiness seem to be hanging by a thread at the moment. I'm praying for security, comfort, and grace during this time.

I always put this here, but MY HUSBAND!!! How can someone work 15 hr long days (sometimes 6 days a week) and still be so loving toward his wife, child, and family AND still make time to study for tests he is not obligated to take but does so that he can get ahead with his career and stability the fastest way possible?! He's just the best!

Challenged. Disciplining Agnes has become a little more than I am able to handle right now. My patience isn't what it used to be and I am hoping that I can be consistent in these next several weeks before baby arrives so that she knows she's loved, but still can't throw tantrums every other hour when someone says "no" to her.

On postpartum meal planning. Paul refuses to eat out of aluminum dishes (the throw-away kind you get at the store), so I am in search of more glass bake-ware that I can freeze for the next 6 weeks and still have others to make meals in. My MIL has a few dishes she will lend me. I only need like 4 or 5.

In the Kitchen...
Got my energy bites made (and one batch is almost gone, tehe). I will be making more because they are oh so good! I have also made a list of my postpartum meals I will be making. I've already done burritos so they are all set int he freezer.

It's in the 50's right now and will only get up to about 64 here today. Not complaining. It'll be a lazy day in after we get back from 8:30 mass and Natural Grocers.

I am really starting to miss my parents. I know we just saw them last month but there is something about stress (getting ready for baby boy's arrival in July) and the want to just cuddle up in your parent's loving embrace just for a minute and have them tell you everything will be alright. It's just that secure feeling. I get that with Paul, but sometimes a baby just wants its mama and papa.

For deciding on a name for baby boy. "Baby Brother" will not suffice when he is born... we need something for the birth certificate :P

Saturday, May 16, 2015

My Morning: Volume 1

Pregnancy books. Although I will be picking up David Ramsey "Total Money Makeover" when we go to the library on Monday... as well as two more pregnancy books :P

A big UD basketball T-shirt and PJ bottoms.

A big 32 oz. hospital water container full of ice water (woke up with a headache).  

to the sounds of sipping coffee and chewing, as Paul eats breakfast this early morning to get ready for work. He has been working 12(+) hour days/ 6 days a week for the past few weeks. It's incredible how he hasn't collapsed from exhaustion seeing as how when he gets home at 9:45pm at night, he also studies at least 2 hours before going to bed.

Has not awakened for the day... the sun has yet to rise. Why am I up? ;)

What other things I need to get at the grocery store today. I feel like I don't prepare enough for each visit that I have to go twice a week :/ Thanks goodness it's basically around the corner!
For a few special intentions as well as for guidance for the future with our little family. Also, for the safe and healthy delivery of my baby boy and his baby boy cousin both coming in a couple of months.

For a very hard working husband and the discipline and motivation he has to keep moving forward in his job, even when things aren't as promising as they look. He keeps praying and keeps his faith alive (he prays the rosary to sleep, sometimes finishing, but sometimes too tired to stay awake). I am also grateful for a healthy pregnancy so far. This has made life with a toddler much easier than if I were in pain or needing to be on bed-rest.

Tired, but also serene. I usually don't wake up before the sun. And baby boy hasn't been kicking (so he's still sleeping). This is a nice change in pace... I mean until I'm almost ready to fall asleep from being up this early (this third trimester exhaustion is no joke!).

On postpartum meal planning. Some things just don't sound all that appealing to me to make an freeze for after baby comes. So I am researching like crazy over here hoping that something pops out at me that I'm excited to spend my time preparing.

In the Kitchen...
I now have more healthy recipes under my belt. Spaghetti squash n' cheese, avocado sauce with whole wheat pasta... I might have to try the cauliflower as pizza dough recipe, but I just made homemade pizza for the first time the other day so I don't want to go too fast with all this cooking :P

It's probably in the 50's right now. The sun is hiding in the clouds, I think, and Agnes still sleeps :) 

I miss my sisters and parents. I talk to my 4 older sisters every day and it just seems like it'll be a while (a year and a half?) until we are in the same location again, which is sad. Growing up is tough :( But I am very happy I will be getting to see my Mom in a couple of months when she comes to help out with baby boy in July!

to test my creativeness as I make my (substitute) blackout curtain for Agnes' room today! Her napping has not been happening these past couple of days so I'm wondering if it's too light in there for her. 

Also, on down the road, I'm excited for this little guy's baptism in Colorado. My in-laws are flying out to be there and it will be such a nice celebration :)

Friday, May 15, 2015

An Evening Worth It

Aggie Jo has deemed it necessary, these past few nights, to describe the goings on of the day passed after being tucked in to bed. Teeth have been brushed, diaper has been changed, PJs have been put on, night prayer has been said, hugs and kisses have been exchanged, and now... "MOMMY!!" as she goes into the details of her park adventures and having her friends over to play and the fly that was in the apartment that we searched for together, and how she had pasta for dinner, as well as watched Aurora and Bob the Builder, and how she got to bring baby doll to the park but had to stay in the car so she wouldn't get dirty, etc. Nothing is left out...

And I can't leave.

I see some stray toys left on the floor and slowly move to pick them up and put them away... and still. I can't seem to walk out of the bedroom door. She is still talking. 

I listen.

There will be a time when I want her to stop talking, that I will think the noise just needs to end and that I will have to leave the room just so I don't go crazy. That day will come, I know it.

Today, I watch her use her hands and facial expressions to tell the story of her life. Some words I can't quite make out, but I know they are important to her. She uses voice intonations like she's reciting an important speech, making sure to pause at the right times for effect. I sit.

These are the moments when everything stops. She is only 24 months old and she has the attitude and will of a 6 year old. It's been 5 minutes... I have 5 more.

When she finishes, I calmly ask, "You've had such an exciting day today... do you think maybe you can get some night night time so that we can have another fun day tomorrow?"

"Yes! Night night!"

One last kiss and tracing of the cross on her forehead, she is tucked in once again and ready to snuggle with baby doll to sleep.

I close the door and realize I have so much to do tonight: Clean up the kitchen, living room, fold laundry, finish making dinner for Paul who gets home late, and more.

And yet, that conversation with Agnes was all worth it. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

You are 2!

My dearest little girl,

You aren't a baby anymore and this Mama just wants you to stop getting so big and so grown up! You are just 2, after all!

Just 2.

24 months.

Has it really only been that? I've written and rewritten this post; lived and relived memories in my head, and what it all comes down to is complete and utter love for you, my darling girl. In just 12 months (since your first birthday) you have learned to: walk, run, communicate by speaking, understand Mommy and Daddy's emotions and their cues (verbal and nonverbal), count to 10, recite your ABCs (with some help from us), and so much more.

What really amazes me (and I'm sure this goes for Daddy, too) is how you are your own person with your own, unique personality, just like any human being. Mommy and Daddy are still saying to each other, "I can't believe we have a child!",  let alone a beautiful little girl we call Aggie Jo.

You have your likes and dislikes:
- You say, "No, Thank you" whenever Daddy starts to whistle or sing... or hum. You are very particular in your music.
- You love listening to the Sleeping Beauty soundtrack, Tangled, and Beauty and the Beast in the car and sing along to them with great enthusiasm as we ride along.
- Frozen is your favorite movie and has been since the first time you saw it (which was before your second Christmas).
- Frozen characters Elsa, Ana, and Olaf cannot be passed by, in any store. You have to stop for at least 3 minutes to repeat their names and pace around before addressing each one to say, "Buh-Bye."
-  You love Disney princesses and know most of them (Aurora, Belle, Snow White, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Tiana)
- You like to take walks with Mommy around the park... I bring the stroller just in case, but it's only used when you want to sit down and have a snack. Otherwise, you love to walk. Even in the grocery store, sitting in the cart isn't fun; you like to push the cart!

- You like applying chap stick; you call the chap stick "lips."
- Baby doll is always with you... and now that Auntie Katy got you a stuffed Olaf, he is by your side at home (he even has his own chair for meals).

- You like dogs and cats.

- You never say "Hi" to strangers that say "Hello" to you. Rather, you reply with, "No."
- You love to help Mommy unload the dishwasher and "fold" the clean laundry.
- Signing Time is still one of your favorite programs.
- You love to swing in the swings and slide down the slides at the park!

- You don't like your hair up and usually take it out after ten minutes of it being done.
- Dresses are becoming a favorite and you are starting to play dress-up every day.

- Playing with toys with others is a big challenge for you because you love to just play with the toys by yourself, BUT you love to run around (chase and be chased) by your friends.
- Your favorite phrase is, "One more time!" with your pointer finger up as you voice your request.
- You love big hugs and face snuggles.

- Because we are only 2 hours away from Daddy's parents, you are always excited to see them when we visit, especially Mimi!

- You love to be tickled and to wrestle.
- You are very protective when it comes to Mommy; always staying by my side (not even letting Daddy hold you in church or for more than a few minutes). When Mommy is getting her tummy checked (to see how baby brother is doing) at the doctor's office, you sit on the table with her and make sure she is okay as you whisper, "baby brother, right there!"
- You love babies!

- You like brushing Mommy's hair.
- You ask for naps and for baths which makes Mommy so happy to oblige :)
- You express yourself very well (and I hope that never changes).

This past year brought a lot of fun activities as well as new experiences:

- You learned to WALK!

- You were able to interact and spend more time with your cousins this past trip to Colorado to visit Memaw and Pepaw.

-You went to your first major league baseball game... Go Cards!

- You were able to walk around the Pumpkin Patch this year and do some activities!

-You had your first trick-or-treating experience. We only went to one other house but you loved it!

-We made some great friends!

- You found out that you will be a BIG SISTER!!

- You went to the Saint Louis Science Center for the first time (and so did Mommy).

- You participated in your very first Easter Egg Hunt!

- AND most importantly...


Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! Mommy and Daddy love you and are so excited to see what this coming year has in store for you! <3