Now that Agnes is almost 2 years old, she and Daddy have been able to do more together (not that they didn't spend a lot of time together before) and play a lot longer than when she was younger. I know it's meant a lot to him that they can be silly together and when it's time to sit down and read a book, she is more than happy to listen and partake in the sounds and repeating words. She is learning so much from him and I can see that he is learning from her, as well; how to be more patient, learning how to handle her opinionated and full-personality self. She needs her choices and he is understanding and seeing his own stubbornness in her which is funny. She does have my attitude which is not always the funnest, but I guess that's what I get ;)
Now that it's winter and very cold, we make it a point to get outside whenever we can. A couple of weekends ago, the weather was above 50 degrees, so we went to the park and walked around the pond. And then played a little more on the playground. It was a beautiful, family day that we rarely get due to Paul studying and working. I know he appreciated not having to sit down at the table for hours staring at the computer. It was a treat!
Every night, Paul and Agnes have their story time. After Agnes has her dinner, Paul asks her if she'd like him to read to her. She always enthusiastically says, "Book?" and runs to get one of her favorites of the week. This week just happened to be "Mr. Gumpy's Outing." They sit in her room reading for 10-15 minutes before it's time for night prayer and bed. By this time she is more than willing to turn in for the night.
*** I had to add this picture and story in here**
Usually once a week we visit the library and Agnes has her play time while Story Time is going on, which she refuses to attend. This lets her play with the toys by herself or with fewer kids before all of them descend on the toys. This ways he gets her time before having to share... so far so good. Although, I'm hoping she learns to share a bit faster than the pace she is right now. :)
And after a day at home with Mommy, Agnes always runs to the door yelling, "Daddy... HI!" when she hears Paul has arrived home. She gives him big hugs and kisses after he takes off his shoes and has to stay by him for a few minutes before returning to her activity. It's something I don't think I'll ever forget. She just gets so excited!