How do you go about sharing something so personal, so
wonderful, and so scary? I guess I did write about the day Paul proposed to me.
I did write a post the morning of my wedding. I think I mentioned how I want a
van full of kiddos to take around to activities. So why is this so weird for me
to write about? I guess I just need to get this over with.
I’m pregnant! 8 weeks ago I couldn’t ignore how I was
feeling. I wasn’t myself for about 2 weeks and the feeling wouldn’t go away.
So, on a late Saturday morning, when we were staying at my in-law’s house for
the weekend, I put my foot down and told my husband that today would be the day
to purchase a home pregnancy test. We arrived at the grocery store and walked
straight to the designated aisle. It’s like we were on a secret mission because
we didn’t want anyone to see what we were buying. I don’t know, but suddenly I
felt like I was 16 years old again about to purchase woman stuff and feeling
extremely uncomfortable placing it on the moving check–out thingy. Thank
goodness for self-checkouts now!
Anyways, as soon as we got back to the house, I took the
test and the rest is history. Well, actually, I learned that I was pregnant, I
went downstairs to tell Paul, who was sitting in front of the TV watching
sports center, and I told him. He says he was prepared for the news (which I
think it means he was happy? Yes? :D). Well, I am now 12 weeks pregnant. My due
date is April 26, 2013 and I am so glad I have 6 more months to prepare for
this little one.
Last Friday, I had a doctor’s appointment and we got to
listen to the heartbeat. That’s when it hit us. I have a little one inside me
with a heart rate of 150!! HOLY COW! How blessed am I to be given such a gift
as this? Yes, I have read up on the whole process and oh. my. goodness. Am I in
for the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life, or what?! And still, I
feel so honored and humbled. I cannot tell you how much sleep I get a night and
still feel so exhausted. I thought maybe I was getting too much sleep ,so for a
few days I went to bed late. I caught myself falling asleep at work those days.
So in conclusion, I have an 8:30pm bedtime and I wish sleeping all day was an
option J
So onto our next adventure! A baby!
12 Weeks!
The tab, “My Little Loodle” at the top of this page is to
document the goings on of this miracle so make sure you check out my journey
there :D
Can you believe it was only 3 and 1/2 months ago that this happened?! I can't.