This past month has been a challenge for me. It's like the first few weeks of college all over again. I am horribly homesick to the point where talking even for 10 minutes with any of my relatives on the phone brings me to tears. It's not a homesickness for Colorado per se, although I cannot tell you enough how much I wish it were Christmas (where everyone was home in the mountains for the holiday), but more of a homesickness for familiarity and a sense of comfort with family and friends.
This clip was taken last Christmas after my family cut down the tree from our backyard (we live in the mountains so it's legal). It was tree decorating day which is one of my favorite days! Wonderful! Can't wait to be back home and with the fam.
Anyways, getting back to the homesickness thing, I can't possibly ask you to understand unless I tell you the story of the first few weeks of college. When I left for college (from Colorado to Texas), the homesickness was a bit worse than my present predicament. I had preseason for soccer the first 3 weeks before school started and the homesickness happened to be more than an emotional strain, like it is now. I wasn't able to eat or drink (even water); and in 100+ degree heat with 2-a-days going on, it was almost impossible to get through each practice without having to sit out from dehydration or faint spells.
This particular feeling of homesickness doesn't have me on the verge of starvation or dehydration, but it has been extremely emotionally draining. Anyways, if you have any extra prayers, I would appreciate them very much. Being the youngest of six and being away from family isn't my strong point. I'm used to family being anywhere and everywhere (California, Utah, Texas, Colorado, New York... etc.) and it's been a huge adjustment for me and especially for Paul since he's the one that has to live with me and my emotions :P
IN OTHER NEWS: We are still trying to make a decision regarding a parish to commit to. We've been going to a late mass these past few Sundays about 15 minutes away (and a pretty big parish)... however, we still do not know if we want to be a part of a smaller and more personal gathering. Prayers in that endeavor are much appreciated, too :)
IN OTHER OTHER NEWS: I am getting into podcasts! My job is one that involves being on the computer and being able to listen to music if I want or even audiobooks (which I've actually done [C.S. Lewis, Anne of Green Gables, 1984, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, A Princess of Mars, etc... Yes, when working 8 hours a day, I need some good long books]). However, I've also found this awesome podcast that was made and is recorded every week by a young Catholic couple. They are absolutely hilarious, down to earth, and very relatable. It is called "Catholic in a Small Town" and it is highly recommended by everyone who listens. I'm still in the first few episodes from 2006 so it's great having a lot to catch up with! Exciting!
ALSO: If you've noticed the other blog up by the "Home" tab called, "My Little Loodle", I am getting ready to make a pregnancy journal. I liked the name so much, I had to snag it! So don't worry if you don't see any postings in there yet. I will get to it when the time comes :)
Now to things I am homesick for:
My Mom and Dad
My wonderful nieces and nephews
My beautiful college friends
College soccer and my dependable teammates.
My wedding day. Love this man to death!
This beautiful family. No, they are not just a bunch of models sitting together; they are a real life family and I am totally related to them ;)
Snowball fights.
My "almost" Irish twin (actually we are 15 months apart but we are very close)
This whole Christmas scene.
If you have not figured out the one thing I am most homesick for.... it's MY FAMILY!!! Really, Christmas cannot come soon enough!
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