Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life as I Knew it.

Well it's been one week and five days since I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl (yes, I'm bias, but what mother isn't?). The change has been unbelievable. Even though I've only been alone with her (without any company or help from Paul) for a total of about 5 hours, it has still been a huge adjustment for me. That one piece of advice everyone gives to new moms... you know, sleep when the baby is sleeping? Yeah, I'm totally doing that... now.

I didn't follow that advice the first week and 2 days... now I try and sleep EVERY time the baby sleeps. She is up at night, and sleeps during the day (but nurses every 2 to 3 hours). So I have become nocturnal, in a way, and I also sleep a lot during the day (and even though I want to sleep at night, too, it's simply impossible). Life as I knew it has definitely changed.

I don't wear regular clothes during the day... I'm in my comfiest pajamas. Unless I am going out of the house for an appointment or church, I look like Quasi-Modo in a robe.

When company is no longer here to help out, I know that showers with hair washes will be a delicacy. I'm taking advantage and showering like crazy these days!

Even though we don't have her in bed with us (EVER!), I still always wake up panicked thinking I left her nursing in my arms and the comforter has smothered her or something terrible like that. Every. Single. Time. I guess those mini heart attacks officially make me a mom...? It's so scary, I hate it!

It's weird to think that this little baby was inside me less than two weeks ago and that back then, I wouldn't have been able to imagine a newborn in my arms right now and see myself as a mother. Amazing how things change... it's so surreal! This past year, Paul and I would look at each other and say with disbelief, "We're married!!" Tonight we looked at each other and said, "We're married... and we have a baby!!" Ahhhh!

I haven't needed to cook yet, but I'm sure that will be a totally new and challenging experience when the time comes.

I'm scared to paint my nails (but it's what has kept me form biting them)... I never know when she'll wake up from her nap when I think about doing them and how harmful the fumes may be if I do get them done.

I never thought I'd be good at diaper changing... I'm still not a pro, but I try and get it done as fast and as efficient as I can before she pees on me, or herself, or launches another poop rocket on the carpet.

I'm sure I have many more examples of how my life as I knew it has changed, but little one is about to need some major help in burping, so I'll just leave you with some cute pictures ;)

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