Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Finally, An Update!

I realize it has been 3 months since I last wrote and I also realize that that is insane!! So here I go:

Agnes Joyce is 6 months old... 6 MONTHS!!! Yes, time has flown but it has also crept. Like that one time in church where Agnes started telling a story (blah blah blah-ing) in the middle of the transubstantiation and we were blocked in on both sides of the pew by people we didn't know and all I could do was put my hand over her mouth (no, that didn't work). Times like those remind me why we should always sit on the outside. Yes, it's indubitably adorable, and I can't help but smile when I hear her sweet little voice, but I feel so bad when people start to look back.

On a completely unrelated note, it is, without a doubt, Fall here in middle America! Oh how exciting it is to see the trees change, feel the cool winds blow, and smell the autumn air. It's all in anticipation for Christmas, my favorite time of year!! Don't worry, I'm one of those people that will forbid myself from listening to Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving.

After daily mass Monday evening.

From the back porch of our third floor apartment.

Speaking of middle America, we have lived here for a little over a year now and we are both starting to get a little stir-crazy. Don't get me wrong, we don't mind at all living here, but we were never really planning on staying long. We are hoping that this next year brings another new experience and location (discernment is key, however, and you can never have too much prayer).

Now for an update on our little lives!

Paul is doing well at work and taking a lot of tests to get a certain certification that will help in the future. He has taken 6 tests so far, this year, and has 3 more before the year ends (that is his goal, at least). Every test comes with a huge pack of study materials and late night study sessions at the dining room table. I don't know how he does it, but every night and every weekend, he sits and studies. Of course he will take breaks to watch important football and baseball games, but this man is so disciplined, I'm in awe.

As for me, I am a stay at home mommy and I absolutely LOVE IT! I don't know what these next couple of years will bring in terms of going back to teaching or getting another job, but for now, it's just my beautiful baby girl and I at home and having fun. She is getting to that stage where she doesn't want anyone else except for me and while that makes my heart sing, I also know that being on the receiving end of the, "I don't want you" train is difficult and sad at times. Also, I think she doesn't like men (which is normal for every girl in our family from this age to about 2 years). Being home also gives me the opportunity to try new recipes. I'm not really much of a fan of cooking, but I still do it and I still try to make it as yummy as possible.

Agnes will be starting solid foods next week and even though I'm excited about it, I'm also nervous. It's not just two people that I'm cooking for, but 3. And with one of them, I have to pay close attention to what I am giving her and if it's the right consistency. She is now able to sit up and roll over (one way). She never liked being on her tummy so whenever she does roll onto her stomach, she fusses right away and won't roll back (so we are still working on it). She likes to blab and screech. As of now, she cannot pull herself up to stand or sit from lying down, but she does like to stand when we are supporting her. She laughs and smiles a lot. She is teething (no teeth, yet, but I have a feeling they will be coming in any day now).

Since July, we have seen many friends and family. In August, we visited my family in Colorado (it was a wonderful reunion with all 6 kids and 11 grandkids). In September, Paul went down to Texas to visit our alma mater and go to alumni events for the weekend while Agnes and I stayed with family friends from college and their beautiful 2 month old girl. Throughout these months, we have visited Paul's family (they live 2 hours away) for weekend trips and they have been filled with great adventures and fun. This month brings us to South Bend (to visit Paul's brother) and a Notre Dame game. Go Irish!

So now I think we are all caught up... picture time!

Grandma & Grandpa and the Grandkids in Colorado

Before bedtime smiles (4 months old)

High School friends and their babies.

Pumpkin Patch visit.

Great Grandma, Daddy, and Agnes at the  Zoo

Scared of the monkeys?

That face!

Getting in a comfortable position to watch the football game.

Watching some baseball with Daddy before bedtime.

Just playing around.

Giving mommy kisses.

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