The cold is making me crazy! Okay, so it's not snowing and the roads aren't bad at all, but here in middle America, it's freezing and I just want to go out walking in the park with my dear little 8 month old and push her on the baby swing. We are, however, staying very warm in our lovely apartment and I cannot thank my hardworking husband enough for letting me crank the heat. Although, it's time to get fresh air, I can't complain when it comes to staying in with pj's on and some hot cocoa in my hands while watching this little girl play contently with her toys.
Stay at home moms have it good. That is-- stay at home moms with only one healthy and happy child to take care of, who aren't home owners, who live simply (not having a lot of things to have to dust or clean), and who like to be hermits... have it good :) I must say, I am content with this simple life of laundry, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of a cute kid. Today is a good day, especially when we are having leftovers for dinner!
Christmas is over... time to take down the lights. Outside, I mean. My goal for next week is to actually accomplish this task. As soon as we got back from our Colorado visit a couple of weeks ago, I packed up all of the Christmas decorations that were in the apartment. I just couldn't get to the outside (in part due to the bitter cold). I will I will I will take the lights down by next week... or month ;)
I have gotten back to reading books (educating, non-fiction books!) instead of spending my pre-bedtime watching Netflix. It's kind of liberating! We were subscribed to Catholic Answers our first year of marriage and we received a pretty thick book with it, so I am finally getting around to reading it, and it's pretty awesome, I must say! I've also checked out a book on my kindle about a girl who grew up in the Scientology religion and finally escaped. Pretty interesting and scary. So there ya go, a good start to picking up books again, I think. One of these days, I'll finally be able to reread some philosophy books from college.
Paul and I still say, "I can't believe we're married! I can't believe we have a kid!" Haha, It's still so new to us! We are halfway through our second year of marriage and it still feels like we just got engaged... lucky us.
Every night before Agnes goes to sleep, we say family night prayer. We take her into our room, put her on our bed, and we pray. Last night was no different, except the time we spent playing with her before we prayed. It was precious to see her interact with daddy and it was great for me because we tired her out a bit before her diaper change and stories. She really lights up our lives and you can tell just how much joy she gives Paul.
Groundhog is just around the corner! And, boy, do I wish we were going to be down in Texas for all of the festivities!! It all starts next Thursday night at my alma mater. They have get-togethers across the country so Paul and I will be attending one, here, in Missouri. It's not the same as being there with all of our friends and this year, my oldest sister and her husband will be going, too... darn, but at least we get to do something to celebrate! Maybe next year we will make it down there... I can only hope :)
We're going a little stir crazy here, too...lots of playtime, but it doesn't replace being outside! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're right, we should be outside.