Sunday, May 11, 2014

Answer Me This (Link-ups are awesome!)

And what do you do when you feel you can't possibly put all the thoughts in your head about life, love, children, changes, and chaos into words? You do Link-ups!!! I can't thank these bloggers enough for giving me something else to think about during this crazy time of big decisions that await this family in Middle America. 

1. What's for dinner? Chicken, chips, salad (potato and macaroni), and yummy Arizona Ice Tea to drink. It's so much better when I don't cook (Thank you, Mothers Day) :D

2. What's the last thing you borrowed from someone? I borrowed my sister's car when Agnes and I spent a week down in Dallas, Texas. I'd never driven a hybrid before and that was quite an awesome experience!

3. What is your favorite prayer? My favorite prayer is the Hail Holy Queen prayer. It's such a beautiful prayer to conclude the Rosary.

4. What is the oldest thing in your house? Off the top of my head I would say some of the glassware we have is from the 1930's... I think. Paul was able to keep it after his great grandmother past away several years ago. 

5. What's the best concert you ever attended? Okay, you're going to think I'm weird, sheltered, insane, whatever... but I've never been to a concert (unless you count high school choir or jazz band concerts and I would have to go with the choir concerts being the best). It's true :( I'm weird.

6. Do you have a nickname? In high school, I was called, "Mares" and in college everyone knew me as, "MG"... so very very different, but now I'm just plain old Mary.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Finish This (My First Week)

I've participated in other Link-Ups but this one is new to me so I am all for a little change-up in this blog. It needs a little something something anyways.

I feel an adrenaline rush when... When I'm being productive with my day (like cleaning, getting things done around the house, or just getting stuff done that I didn't want to do in the first place).

I feel energized when... I get a good night's sleep... and then a nap :) Okay, I'll be honest. There never really is a time when I feel energized now. I need to get myself working out more because that's probably when I feel the most energized (which makes complete and total sense, no wonder I feel healthier when I work out... I am!).

I feel small when... I see on facebook and other social media sites that people have social lives and are going out and doing "single and in your 20's" things and I'm all like, "I'm a mom (and wife :D)... and I do mom things like laundry and clean spit up off of my shirts." It's not all the time; most of the time I look at my newsfeed and thank the Lord I get to stay home and have a make believe picnic with my beautiful little girl... but I do have my moments :P

I feel big when... I wear heels... which is never, so I'm just guessing that's how I would feel.

I feel stupid when...  Every word on my Mac's Word of the Day is new to me. Sorry, I did not know what percutaneous meant until today and I will probably forget the moment I post this.

I feel smart when... I can successfully and diplomatically express my opinion. Arguing is not my strong suit so when I can get my point across in a way that I feel is tactful and also right on, I feel smart.