Friday, May 9, 2014

Finish This (My First Week)

I've participated in other Link-Ups but this one is new to me so I am all for a little change-up in this blog. It needs a little something something anyways.

I feel an adrenaline rush when... When I'm being productive with my day (like cleaning, getting things done around the house, or just getting stuff done that I didn't want to do in the first place).

I feel energized when... I get a good night's sleep... and then a nap :) Okay, I'll be honest. There never really is a time when I feel energized now. I need to get myself working out more because that's probably when I feel the most energized (which makes complete and total sense, no wonder I feel healthier when I work out... I am!).

I feel small when... I see on facebook and other social media sites that people have social lives and are going out and doing "single and in your 20's" things and I'm all like, "I'm a mom (and wife :D)... and I do mom things like laundry and clean spit up off of my shirts." It's not all the time; most of the time I look at my newsfeed and thank the Lord I get to stay home and have a make believe picnic with my beautiful little girl... but I do have my moments :P

I feel big when... I wear heels... which is never, so I'm just guessing that's how I would feel.

I feel stupid when...  Every word on my Mac's Word of the Day is new to me. Sorry, I did not know what percutaneous meant until today and I will probably forget the moment I post this.

I feel smart when... I can successfully and diplomatically express my opinion. Arguing is not my strong suit so when I can get my point across in a way that I feel is tactful and also right on, I feel smart.

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