Saturday, September 1, 2012

A New Home!

 This is a happy post! My husband and I have been living in a hotel room our first 2 months or marriage (talk about God and his tests :P). During that time, we went back to Saint Louis where his family lives and stayed with them before packing back up and returning to the hotel for the week. They have been so nice and hospitable throughout this entire journey of ours. Hotel living is different to say the least. One room. One microwave. One small refrigerator. And many frustrations with meals. 

NOW (remember this is a happy post) WE ARE MOVED IN... well, sort of. We still have to unpack and organize, get groceries, and clean BUT we are moved! With the help of Paul's parents, brother, and sister, the weather couldn't keep us from getting everything out of the truck and up 3 flights of stairs to this lovely abode. 

 The view when entering our home.

The lovely kitchen and dining room as you look from the living room.

The living room.

This was supposed to be the master bedroom, but we are using it as a craft/guest room.
Our room isn't as big or as nice with these windows, but it does have a bigger closet :)

It's been miserable weather here in Missouri because of Hurricane Isaac (and I cannot be more thankful that this is all we are getting compared to the poor people down south... prayers go out to them).
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the little tour. I took these on my iPod so they aren't as clear and there aren't as many but Paul and I are satisfied and excited to live here for at least another year or two.

I'll post some more pictures when we have everything set and moved. In the meantime, I hope you are all having a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Prays for you all!



  1. Congratulations on the apartment! I'm sure that's going to be amazing after living in the hotel! I hope everything goes well with settling in! :)

  2. I found your site some months ago though Elizabeth Foss and have enjoyed your little stories along the way. What a surprise to see that you are now in St. Louis! I live outside the city and would love a chance to meet you someday. May I ask where your parish is??

    1. Thank you for your comment, Mary :) We are actually west of Saint Louis. But when we go visit the in-laws on the weekends (they live outside the city as, well), we attend Ascension. One of the priests there is close friends with one of my brother-in-laws. It's a wonderful parish and makes me wish we lived closer. As for our home, we have not yet picked a parish (going back to Saint Louis every weekend makes that difficult), but hopefully this problem can be resolved in the next month or so :) It would be lovely to meet you.
