Sunday, August 31, 2014

Evening of... Volume 1


I just started Killing Kennedy. I'd been reading a lot this summer and find myself needing a break, HOWEVER, when Agnes and I were at the library and she was playing in the kid's section (they have the cutest little play area with activities and a kitchen and other fun things), I was craving a book to cuddle up in the chair with while she danced around with plastic vegetables. So I dragged her with me up to the adult floor, searched for this book, and once we were back down in the kid's section, she was ready to go. Funny.


In an apartment where the thermostat is set to 80, I'm quite comfortable in a camisole and soccer shorts. Bear feet, too!


A glass of $3/bottle merlot. Oh, Aldi, I love you! I will be opening a hershey's chocolate bar soon, too. daily evening routine, you ask? I WISH!


To the sound of an old-ish electric cooling fan. It's kind of loud, but it helps. 


Was bathed, brushed (and teeth), and put to bed by 8pm sharp! Sometimes I do have this mommy thing down ;)


If I should have another glass of wine... oh, and if the park will be crowded tomorrow (Labor Day, folks). 


Every night we say a Memorare and every night I can't help but pray for women who've gone through the loss of children. I read this yesterday about a woman who had her 3 year old daughter taken from her arms by a member of ISIS and it breaks my heart. Also for a friend who recently, and maybe even still, is miscarrying her first child. This is what we pray:

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help or sought your intercession,
was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence,
I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother;
to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but in your mercy hear and answer me.



Like I really needed that glass (or two) of wine tonight. Today was a trying day for us. Agnes has picked up screaming when she's upset. It was quite a sight in church today and we couldn't escape to the back because they were baptizing a baby right at that exact moment. It was awesome... ahem.

Yes. This child. This one here.

Okay okay, she can be a sweetheart, too, I guess ;)


On budgeting. It was easy for a while there, but then we went on vacation and I've just been slacking... and going to the grocery store a lot more than I probably should. 

In the Kitchen...

It was a heck of a day, like I said. I didn't cook today (we had left overs) and I cleaned because that's what I do when things are not going my way... it's a wonderful habit and something I do often believe it or not (tehe).


It's probably in the 70's now, thank goodness. This past week has been in the upper 80's and mid 90's. I was wondering when summer was going to hit... here's to hoping these temps stay for a little while so that we can go to the fountain park when it isn't as crowded (because kids are back in school, yay!). 


Paul is working harder than ever. He got his CPCU certification (if you ask me what that means, I honestly do not know, BUT it took 9 tests to get and countless hours of studying... like 2 hrs daily) and is now in the process of attaining his CLU certification (again... no idea, but at least it only takes 7 tests this time, heh heh). In the next couple of weeks, he and I will be celebrating his accomplishment in California for a week and a half while our darling daughter stays with Paul's parents. If you were wondering if I'm nervous to not be around her 24/7, I am. But this will count as our honeymoon so this girl is not complaining ;)

Ready to getaway!

In other news, I dearly miss my family back in Colorado (and Utah, and Oregon, and Texas, and California... yeah, my siblings are spread out). It felt so natural being in one place at one time when we had our reunion. How many days until Christmas again?


To host family friends coming for an overnight visit this next week. They have a 17 month old son so I'm excited to see how Agnes and he interact. It's also nice to have couple friends!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Summer Trip to Colorado

A few weeks ago, DH, AJ, and I went to visit my parents at their mountain home in Colorado. It was a great trip! DH had to get back to work after one week, but AJ and I stayed an extra week to spend time with my mom an dad after everyone had left to go home. It was nice to get that alone time and AJ bonded a little bit with them, although she is still a little shy when it comes to anyone who isn't her parents or another baby.

Below are some pictures (only a few... I took a lot!) of the trip. 12 grandchildren total in this family!! I am so blessed to be a part of this big group of wonderful people.


Three weeks ago our family traveled 11 hours in the car to go visit my parents in Colorado. Four out of my five sisters and their families came to visit from out of state as well as my brother (who also lives in Colorado). It was a wonderful family reunion with lots of activities such as hiking, camping, playing horseshoes, and overall having fun with each other.

DH, AJ, and I stayed in the room in which I grew up. One particular night, close to the beginning of the visit, AJ was a little restless before bedtime (she is usually very good about going in her crib and falling asleep) and so I rocked her back and forth in the rocking chair holding her tight and humming. So many thoughts went through my head that night, so I wrote them down right after she was ready to fall asleep in her crib.

As I sit here in the chair my mother placed in my childhood room, rocking my daughter back and forth trying to get her to sleep, I can only think of when I was just a teenager in this same room wondering, "What will my life be like in 10 years?" Will I be married? Will I be one of those strong, independent, single business women that hates her love life until the goofy yet totally romantic and handsome boy-man comes into it and completely changes her whole outlook (I was on a romantic-comedy kick in those days... okay, I still am)? Will I have graduated from college? Will I have even gone to college?.... Will I still be here?

I was terrified thinking about growing up and being, "On my own." It's one of those fears equivalent to the ocean or space. It's the unknown that had my eyes water with anticipation because soon I would graduate from high school and have to figure all this stuff out.

Fast forward ten years.

Did I think I was going to be here holding my 15 month old daughter as she slowly falls asleep on my shoulder? Maybe I wished on having a baby to care for just like I've seen my older sisters snuggle up with their children, but it wasn't a real thought in my head. I couldn't imagine this feeling. I sit in this chair  in awe of what God has given me.

There were a few years, I'm sure, where my own mother was worried about where my life would take me. I was not a happy person for a while, there, and it was difficult to keep my head up above water for a year or two.

Now, ten years later I was made to be this little girl's mommy; to care for, comfort, and love her. Everything that has happened has led me here. In this same room. In this chair. Rocking this sweet creature to sleep. This is what I was put on this earth for; to be the most loving wife and mother I can be.
PictureI was MFT (Made. For. This.)

STL Trip

One particular weekend last month was a busy one for our little family in middle America. DH, AJ, and I traveled to Saint Louis, Missouri, where we had plans to attend alumni events set up by our alma mater. The president of the university even traveled up from Texas. We were able to visit with other alums and their families as well as spend time with DH's sister. She was a big help when it came to taking care of AJ and keeping her occupied and looked after. 

On Saturday we attended a family friend's wedding who also happens to be DH's sister's high school theology teacher as well as another alum of the university (small Catholic world). It was a beautiful ceremony at the basilica in Saint Louis. AJ only fell once the entire mass (is it bad that I'm celebrating this?), granted it was a loud noise and not very joyful for anyone (I feel like I've failed at motherhood because of how many times AJ falls down). Afterwards we attended a little bit of the reception before heading downtown to the alumni event. It was a great visit and a busy day.

On Sunday we went to early mass and then got to hang out (AJ got in a 45 minute nap) for an hour or so before leaving to go to the Cardinals game (another alumni based event). I have to admit that I was a little worried because it was AJ's first baseball game. The weather was supposed to be hot and with the seats being so close together and not very much room to walk around, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I had nothing to worry about! They were great seats in the shade and no one sat next to us on our right for at least 3 seats. AJ could roam free and stretch her legs. Since the alums were seated together, we knew the people in front and behind us. It was a great game and a great day!
When we got back to the house (DH's family's house), we hung out for a little bit before DH's parents returned home from a trip they took to Ohio to visit DH's paternal grandparents. As soon as AJ's grandma walked in the door, she immediately reached for her and would not let her go. Grandma didn't mind and spent  the rest of the evening with AJ, reading to her, playing the piano for her, and keeping her occupied while Mam got everything packed up to go back home the next morning.
The next morning, we got up at 6 and left at around 7:30 (DH had to be at work at 10:30). The trip was busy and tiring, but well worth the gas and the energy. We had a fantastic time and couldn't have done it without DH's family and our friends we met through the university!